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Ville de Toronto

discover our offers

Program dedicated to start-ups wishing to test their offering in Canada




A unique offer dedicated to clusters, competitiveness clusters, federations and other organizations that run collective operations for their representatives or members in Canada

A two-stage offer dedicated to companies of all sizes who wish to prospect the Canadian market with the support of local experts.



Outsource your business development in Canada on a timeshare basis. Control your commercial costs in the start-up or market consolidation phase


A one-stop service to facilitate and accelerate all stages of the process of creating, starting up and managing a Canadian subsidiary.





employer of record

Our customized "employer of record" service enables you to hire employees under Canadian contracts, without a local subsidiary. We employ your strategic workers and handle all aspects of their comprehensive payroll management. 

Hosting and coaching your V.I.E or other local collaborators in Adexia's coworking offices, and Fabrik8's fantastic facilities.

A tailor-made offer to support Medtech companies' export growth in Canada.

A 360-degree support for external growth projects in Canada, based specifically on an active search for qualified targets.


ADEXIA specializes in advising and supporting foreign companies in the Canadian and international markets.


7236 Waverly, Suite #211

Montréal, Québec, H2R 0C2

Tel : +1 438 238 8584


Tel : +1 647 995 3812




Email :​


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